On Tue, 08 Aug 2006 15:47:54 +0200, A. den Oudsten wrote:
> VytautasP wrote:
>> A. den Oudsten wrote:
>>> When I change an image in Gimp I cannot write down the changed image
>>> The message is: Access denied.
>>> How to operate to avoid that message?
>> What OS do you use? What version of GIMP do you use?
> Gimp 2.2 in Suse Linux  10.0
>> Do you have modification rights for original file? And for full path=20
>> to image? Aren't there some not-English letters in names of folders in=20
>> the path to image?
>> Copy it somewhere else and the t should work.
> Thanks for the hint to modification rights!
> It was a photo copied from a CD-Rom.
> I learned to check, in that case, the owner rights.

It's probably _not_ "owner rights" that are upsetting your attempts to 
save the image (back over itself.)  Files copied from a CDROM are marked 
as Read-Only -- because - Taa!-Daa! - files on a CDROM are _not_ 
writeable.  When you copy them down to your hard-drive they are marked 
r-xr-xr-x (or, for you winderz users: the attributes are set to R/O.)  
Just chmod the file to 600 (or, ATTRIB -R .)

"Owner Rights" are something else entirely -- a whole separate topic.

  Marvin L Jones    | jonz          | W3DHJ  | linux
   38.24N  104.55W  |  @ config.com | Jonesy |  OS/2
    *** Killfiling google posts: <http//jonz.net/ng.htm>

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