Somebody has sent me about 20 jpeg images. I could open all of them
except one. This one was bigger than the others (I don't know why),
its size was 952041.

Gimp's answer was: "don't know how to load JPEGSs with 4 color

What can I do?

(I am a new user of gimp. I am working under AIX.)


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Regards

___________________    Prof. Dr. Hans Haußmann (Haussmann)
             ,--¬_     Institut für Tierhaltung und Tierzüchtung
  ,;;,_ ____/ /|/      Universität Hohenheim
 ;;  ( )___, ) '       Deutschland / Germany
,'   //     V\__       Briefadresse:
 _ /  \    /    \      Institut 470, Uni Hohenheim, 70593 Stuttgart
       ¬   ¬    '      Tel. Büro  0711/459-3011(-3006), Fax -4239
___________________    Tel. priv. 07022/95 95 86, Fax 95 95 87
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