look at http://www.libtiff.org/
I have used PerlMagick to rotate and
scale tiff images.... but I suspect you
will find what you need in image magicks
"convert" program.


On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 11:00:45AM -0700, Stephen Odewahn wrote:
>   Before I dig deeply into the world of script-fu, I wonder if
> someone can answer a question that (so far) is not treated in
> any of the things I've read. I want to write a script that
> performs to following task on a color-indexed TIF file:
>      index ---> RGB
>      decompose
>      Save G channel to a FITS image
> My question: Surely such a task is scriptable, but can I then
>              apply such a script to a set 300 local tif files?
>              Must I run gimp manually or is there a way to run
>              such a script from the command line and by-pass the
>              GUI altogether?
> Thanks,
> Steve Odewahn         
> -- 
> Stephen Odewahn   
> Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
> Arizona State University 
> 480-727-7133
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