I'm a member of Gimp Japanese MallingList.
We have started to translate GIMP tutorials into Japanese.
Currently, we have translated nearly 20 tutorials.
You can see them at http://www2.ocn.ne.jp/~foryou/gimp-tut/

By the way, I have some questions.
1. It seems that some tutorials are not up-to-date to the current
status of the GIMP (i.e. gimp-1.1.x series). As the license of
these documents are not always clear,
we cannot see whether we can modify them according to 
gimp-1.1.x or later.Can we modify them?

2. We refer to Gimp Tutorial Pointers Page 
but there are some dead links in there.
We do appreciate it if you let me know where the lost contents are.

3. If you know some more tutorials not listed, please let me know.


Akihito Komatsuzaki

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