The trick is to use two layers.

Begin with a transparent layer. (1)
Double click on the text tool and turn off anti aliasing.
Place your yellow text.

Create a new transparent layer (2)
Then switch back to your text layer (1) and do an alpha to selection (this
will give you the outline of your text)
Switch back to the new layer (2) and stroke your selection with the 1x1
circle brush, colour black.
Place this layer below the text layer(1) and turn off your selection.
Your done.

The anti aliasing will still be there on layer 2, but because its behind the
original text and is small it will hardly be noticeable.

To add the drop shadow apply the script-fu plugin that does this too the
text layer (1)

Hope that all makes sense.


----- Original Message -----
From: chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, 28 January 2000 07:17
Subject: sharp boundaries around colored objects

> Hello,
> I've tried to create colored fonts with a sharp black
> border around it. But I can't get gimp to draw real
> sharp borders because it uses too much antialiasing
> and bilinear filtering (the border is ALWAYS more
> then 3 pixels wide). i've tried several methods,
> edit:stroke, selection:border etc ... Everything
> looks to smooth and blurred all the time :(
> I've attached small image of what I want to acomplish.
> Bye,
> chris


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