Re: Monitor / Graphics Card help

2001-01-08 Thread VosSedai

Hi Im not a professional or anything but I do run both blender and
with gnome/sawfish and so far as my experience goes I would _really_
recommend more RAM although I believe the athlon has the 133mhz bus no? that
should expediate some stuff, nevertheless Im really not satisfied with less
196 :). The supported card issue should be checked through XFree for the
latest and greatest :) . So far as monitors for a reasonable price Sony is
great, very adjustable, great color, etc just figure, SGI use em so
Anyway my 2 cents... salutations

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Re: Monitor / Graphics Card help

2001-01-07 Thread Mat

Am Sonntag,  7. Januar 2001 19:08 schrieben Sie:
> Hi folks,
> I'm building a new system and would like to get some opinions on hardware.

This is actually OT, but since you mentioned the GIMP... :-)

> This is primarily a web programmer development system.  It's main tasks
> will be to emulate the production environment closely, running SQL and web
> servers.  Part of the development task will include using Gimp and
> potentially Blender on a Linux O/S.  It will be dual-boot with Win for
> compatibility testing purposes.  It's secondary and ternary tasks will be
> producing a radio show and designing CD covers.

Go for a second small Windows machine for testing purposes. Your server 
doesn't have to be that big. Just needs a fair amount of ram, _at least_ 256 

> I have chosen to go with the an AMD Athlon 900MHz CPU and initially 133MHz
> RAM (due to the high cost of DDR).  I am unfamiliar with the FPU on an AMD
> and how well it holds up to intensive floating point calculations such as
> those in audio and graphics.  If anyone has any thoughts please share them.

I'm using a 700MHz Athlon with an Epox mainboard, 384MB ram and a Geforce256. 
It's really nice. :-) I run the whole LAMP setup and more. Seti runs in the 

> My main concern is with the graphics card and monitor combo.  I am finding
> with a 17" monitor at 1024x768 that I haven't enough screen real estate
> even with multiple desktops.  Any higher resolution than that and the
> refresh rate is not tolerable.
> For the new system I would like a 19" monitor capable of 1600x1200 with a
> fairly high refresh.  I noticed KDS has a model that can handle this at

Which means at least using a 22" monitor IMO. I have a 19" monitor capable of 
displaying 1600x1200 in 85Hz, but IMO the monitor is far too small for such a 
resolution. 1280x1024 is quite nice on a 19" though. A good 19" is still 
quite expensive...

> My final request is with the graphics card.  I will most likely be
> choosing a 32Mb AGP 4x card, which is light years beyond the 4Mb PCI I am
> using now.  I'm not too concerned about this, as a card is more readily
> replaceable than a monitor.  What does confuse me is that most cards are
> listed with their Windows requirements or Windows compatibility.  I run
> Linux and X windows as my main system and want to make sure that the card
> I get is fully compatible with Linux.  

My Geforce256 runs great!!! OpenGL works fine. Ssystem does an average of 145 
fps in full screen mode at 1280x1024. Quake3 has an average of 80fps at 
1024x768 with _everything_ on! A friend of mine has a Geforce GTS, AFAIK that 
is... Works fine too. Both 3d and 2d performance are noticably better than on 
my machine, 170 fps with Ssytem and 100fps with Quake 3.

Monitor / Graphics Card help

2001-01-07 Thread Rob Hardowa

Hi folks,

I'm building a new system and would like to get some opinions on hardware.

This is primarily a web programmer development system.  It's main tasks
will be to emulate the production environment closely, running SQL and web
servers.  Part of the development task will include using Gimp and
potentially Blender on a Linux O/S.  It will be dual-boot with Win for
compatibility testing purposes.  It's secondary and ternary tasks will be
producing a radio show and designing CD covers.

I have chosen to go with the an AMD Athlon 900MHz CPU and initially 133MHz
RAM (due to the high cost of DDR).  I am unfamiliar with the FPU on an AMD
and how well it holds up to intensive floating point calculations such as
those in audio and graphics.  If anyone has any thoughts please share them.

My main concern is with the graphics card and monitor combo.  I am finding
with a 17" monitor at 1024x768 that I haven't enough screen real estate
even with multiple desktops.  Any higher resolution than that and the
refresh rate is not tolerable.

For the new system I would like a 19" monitor capable of 1600x1200 with a
fairly high refresh.  I noticed KDS has a model that can handle this at
85Hz and .24mm dot pitch.  I love using my current systems monitor at
100Hz with 800x600 and KDE :) My problem is that I do not know how to
interpret color.  The monitor I have now is a Sceptre 17".  When trying to
use the GUM Calibration images it is non-correctable.  The brightness and
contrast / image temp do not allow me to calibrate it accordingly.  I
notice that it appears to have a fairly dark color overall.  If anyone can
give me some monitor opinions, or advice on how to determine if a monitor
is able to be calibrated I would appreciate it.

My final request is with the graphics card.  I will most likely be
choosing a 32Mb AGP 4x card, which is light years beyond the 4Mb PCI I am
using now.  I'm not too concerned about this, as a card is more readily
replaceable than a monitor.  What does confuse me is that most cards are
listed with their Windows requirements or Windows compatibility.  I run
Linux and X windows as my main system and want to make sure that the card
I get is fully compatible with Linux.  I was looking at the ATI XPert 2000
Pro 32Mb-AGP but it is not listed on the redhat hardware compatibility
list. I would also like to note that cost is not a factor with the monitor,
but is a factor with the card.

Also, if anyone has any experiences with online vendors, or at least good
links, I'd like to hear them to :)



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