Paul wrote

> I have installed the latest development
> version (1.1.19), with just
> /configure,make,make install.......does
> anyone know how much disk space
> that would take up?

depends on how much other stuff you have. du -k
where everythings installed, probably
/usr/local/share/gimp, /usr/loca/lib/gimp,
the space taken up by the personal gimp files in
your home directory and the source tree if you still
have it.

> Another thing I've ben wondering.......I've seen
> numerous screenshots on the web, and GIMP had it's
> colour pickers, brush, patern and gradient
> buttons all on the right hand side.  I have
> them at the bottom, and I can't
> find anything relevant in the preferences.
> Is there a way to change the layout in this version?

that depends more on the window manager then anything
else. gtk does give hints but some wms respond better
than others. just move the windows where you want

> Finally :)  I read somewhere that there was a GIMP
> Hollywood project (I can't remember where I read
> that though)...any more info about what that is
> exactly? its all stuff the gimp needs
but seems to be a dead project.

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