
I have recently created a new mirror of the public gimp FTP server. It is
located in Texas, USA and is viewable at the following link:


Currently I only have HTTP set up. I plan on looking more deeply into FTP
and rsync in the near future. I have spot checked several files and all
look to be in working order. I am syncing with wget every six hours
(midnight, 6am, noon, 6pm) with the following command:

wget -m -nH --cut-dirs=2 -P /[redacted]/htdocs/ ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/gimp/

Switches: mirror, no host in save path, cut first two directories off of
save path

Also, the last link under USA servers is messed up, the "(web" is part of
the link when it should be plain white text.

Let me know if you need any more information.

Thank you for your time,
Caesar Kabalan
gimp-web-list mailing list

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