
This is the subnet error right?  I posted a temporary work around to
the list a few days ago.
I'll look into why this is happening, but since it seems to be
happening at random, it will be tough to debug.


2008/9/29 George Ciobanu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> <type 'exceptions.IndexError'> Exception in Tk callback
>   Function: <bound method ControlPanel.compile of <__main__.ControlPanel
> instance at 0x8610ccc>> (type: <type 'instancemethod'>)
>   Args: ()
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "/home/jeo/gini-installed/share/gbuilder/Pmw/Pmw_1_3/lib/PmwBase.py",
> line 1747, in __call__
>     return apply(self.func, args)
>   File "/home/jeo/gini-installed/bin/gbuilder", line 2282, in compile
>     comp.compile()
>   File "/home/jeo/gini-installed/share/gbuilder/TopologyCompiler.py", line
> 103, in compile
>     self.compile_UML()
>   File "/home/jeo/gini-installed/share/gbuilder/TopologyCompiler.py", line
> 291, in compile_UML
>     self.valid_ip_subnet(gw, ip, inter.get_mask()):
>   File "/home/jeo/gini-installed/share/gbuilder/TopologyCompiler.py", line
> 842, in valid_ip_subnet
>     if ip_chunk[i] == "0":
> <type 'exceptions.IndexError'>: list index out of range
> George Ciobanu
> Computer Engineering U/G
> McGill University
> Montreal, Canada
> http://wikisites.mcgill.ca/djgroup/index.php/George_Ciobanu
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