Dear girlsown,

I'm popping up briefly to announce a new girlsown administration policy. 

When the Head Prefect (or other admin person) has asked that a discussion be
stopped, or declared it off-limits we will allow a reasonable amount of time
for the announcement to percolate through everyone's email systems.

If, after that time, a list member continues to post on that subject we will
change their list status to "moderated". This means that all their posts
will be held pending administration approval. Moderation will give list
admins the ability to enforce the request to stop a discussion. Anything the
list member posts which is still on topic will be approved as soon as
possible. Unacceptable posts will be rejected with an explanation sent to
the poster. I would expect that the moderation period would be something
like a week.

May I emphasise that moderation is intended to be a tool to help us control
discussions which have got out of hand. It is something that will happen
behind the scenes. 

A list member who is being moderated will be notified each time a post is
held for approval. They may notice a delay in posts appearing on the list if
an administrator is not available right away. Girlsown administrators will
be notified that there is a post waiting for approval. The general list
should not notice anything at all.

I have set my own status to moderated, so this message has passed through
the moderation process.
(Exciting! While the message was waiting for approval, I was notified AND I
was offered the opportunity to cancel the message. This is the second time
I'm sending this message out.)

Thanks to all girlsown members for maintaining such a great list atmosphere
99.999% of the time.

Anita Graham

Girlsown mailing list
For self-administration and access to archives see
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