Shereen wrote:
Oh Natasha, take your hankies with you if you're intending to see it!! Yep, Mr Llewellyn-Davies is out of the picture before the action begins, and yep, the costumes are fab, though some of the sets aren't how I'd've imagined them. Kensington Gardens looks very nice, though, and the boys are sweet. But I repeat, for anyone who has yet to join the Anti-Sobbists, be prepared for lots of snivelling.

Thanks for the warning - I will take lots, as my husband is a confirmed sobbist as well, and he expressed a desire to see it. My husband cries at lots of things, the big girl, and has got far worse since becoming a father. He has also cried at the bit in the Sound of Music when the Captain breaks down singing Edelweiss at the concert, Susan, so you are really not alone (we both did.). This is my children's favourite film so you think we'd be hardened, but no. He also cried during the TRAILER of that film about Iris Murdoch, so I won't be getting that out on video.

Also, they did Little House on the Prairie on radio a couple of years, and we both cried when Mr Edwards met Father Christmas to bring out Laura and Mary's presents.

Tom would be so pleased if he knew I was sharing this with the list. His father is the same, cried buckets all the time we were getting married.


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