cedric pushed a commit to branch master.


commit d194eeeba9e6a54bdd1ff7d406b2909261e34f08
Author: Cedric BAIL <ced...@osg.samsung.com>
Date:   Thu Jul 2 21:51:54 2015 +0200

    evas: improve simple VG example to interpolate a full VG tree.
 src/examples/evas/evas-vg-simple.c | 93 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 82 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/examples/evas/evas-vg-simple.c 
index 854bde8..7332ce7 100644
--- a/src/examples/evas/evas-vg-simple.c
+++ b/src/examples/evas/evas-vg-simple.c
@@ -50,6 +50,12 @@ typedef struct _Point
     int y;
+static Efl_VG *beginning = NULL;
+static Efl_VG *end = NULL;
+static Efl_VG *root = NULL;
+static double start_time = 0;
+static Ecore_Animator *anim = NULL;
 Bezier bezierFromPoints(Point p1, Point p2,
                             Point p3, Point p4)
@@ -440,18 +446,22 @@ vector_set(int x, int y, int w, int h)
    eina_matrix3_rotate(&matrix, radian);
-   Efl_VG *root = evas_object_vg_root_node_get(d.vg);
+   root = evas_object_vg_root_node_get(d.vg);
    //eo_do(root, evas_vg_node_transformation_set(&matrix));
-   Efl_VG *bg = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root);
+   Efl_VG *bg = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root,
+                       efl_vg_name_set("bg"));
    _rect_add(bg, 0, 0 , vg_w, vg_h);
    evas_vg_node_origin_set(bg, 0,0);
    evas_vg_shape_stroke_width_set(bg, 1.0);
    evas_vg_node_color_set(bg, 80, 80, 80, 80);
-   Efl_VG *shape = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root);
-   Efl_VG *rgradient = eo_add(EFL_VG_GRADIENT_RADIAL_CLASS, root);
-   Efl_VG *lgradient = eo_add(EFL_VG_GRADIENT_LINEAR_CLASS, root);
+   Efl_VG *shape = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root,
+                          efl_vg_name_set("shape"));
+   Efl_VG *rgradient = eo_add(EFL_VG_GRADIENT_RADIAL_CLASS, root,
+                              efl_vg_name_set("rgradient"));
+   Efl_VG *lgradient = eo_add(EFL_VG_GRADIENT_LINEAR_CLASS, root,
+                              efl_vg_name_set("lgradient"));
    _arcto(shape, 0, 0, 100, 100, 25, 330);
@@ -492,7 +502,8 @@ vector_set(int x, int y, int w, int h)
    evas_vg_node_color_set(shape, 0, 0, 255, 255);
    evas_vg_shape_stroke_color_set(shape, 0, 0, 255, 128);
-   Efl_VG *rect = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root);
+   Efl_VG *rect = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root,
+                         efl_vg_name_set("rect"));
    _rect_add(rect, 0, 0, 100, 100);
    evas_vg_node_origin_set(rect, 100, 100);
    evas_vg_shape_fill_set(rect, lgradient);
@@ -500,7 +511,8 @@ vector_set(int x, int y, int w, int h)
    evas_vg_shape_stroke_join_set(rect, EFL_GFX_JOIN_ROUND);
    evas_vg_shape_stroke_color_set(rect, 255, 255, 255, 255);
-   Efl_VG *rect1 = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root);
+   Efl_VG *rect1 = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root,
+                          efl_vg_name_set("rect1"));
    _rect_add(rect1, 0, 0, 70, 70);
    evas_vg_node_origin_set(rect1, 50, 70);
    evas_vg_shape_stroke_scale_set(rect1, 2);
@@ -508,7 +520,8 @@ vector_set(int x, int y, int w, int h)
    evas_vg_shape_stroke_join_set(rect1, EFL_GFX_JOIN_ROUND);
    evas_vg_shape_stroke_color_set(rect1, 0, 100, 80, 100);
-   Efl_VG *circle = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root);
+   Efl_VG *circle = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root,
+                           efl_vg_name_set("circle"));
    _arcto(circle, 0, 0, 250, 100, 30, 300);
    evas_vg_shape_fill_set(circle, lgradient);
@@ -516,24 +529,80 @@ vector_set(int x, int y, int w, int h)
    evas_vg_node_color_set(circle, 50, 0, 0, 50);
    // Foreground
-   Efl_VG *fg = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root);
+   Efl_VG *fg = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root,
+                       efl_vg_name_set("fg"));
    _rect_add(fg, 0, 0, vg_w, vg_h);
    evas_vg_node_origin_set(fg, 0, 0);
    evas_vg_shape_stroke_width_set(fg, 5.0);
    evas_vg_shape_stroke_join_set(fg, EFL_GFX_JOIN_ROUND);
    evas_vg_shape_stroke_color_set(fg, 70, 70, 0, 70);
-   Efl_VG *tst = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root);
+   Efl_VG *tst = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root,
+                        efl_vg_name_set("tst"));
    evas_vg_shape_shape_append_rect(tst, 50, 25, 200, 200, 3, 5);
    evas_vg_node_color_set(tst, 0, 0, 200, 200);
    evas_vg_shape_stroke_width_set(tst, 2);
    evas_vg_shape_stroke_color_set(tst, 255, 0, 0, 255);
-   Efl_VG *vc = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root);
+   Efl_VG *vc = eo_add(EFL_VG_SHAPE_CLASS, root,
+                         efl_vg_name_set("vc"));
    evas_vg_shape_shape_append_circle(vc, 100, 100, 23);
    evas_vg_node_color_set(vc, 0, 200, 0, 255);
    evas_vg_shape_stroke_width_set(vc, 4);
    evas_vg_shape_stroke_color_set(vc, 255, 0, 0, 255);
+   beginning = eo_add(EFL_VG_CONTAINER_CLASS, NULL,
+                      efl_vg_dup(root));
+   end = eo_add(EFL_VG_CONTAINER_CLASS, NULL,
+                efl_vg_dup(root));
+   eo_do(end, circle = efl_vg_container_child_get("circle"));
+   eo_do(circle, efl_vg_transformation_set(&matrix));
+static Eina_Bool
+_anim(void *data EINA_UNUSED)
+   double pos, now;
+   now = ecore_loop_time_get();
+   if (now - start_time > 3)
+     {
+        Efl_VG *tmp = beginning;
+        beginning = end;
+        end = tmp;
+        start_time = now;
+     }
+   pos = ecore_animator_pos_map((now - start_time) / 3, 
+   eo_do(root, efl_vg_interpolate(beginning, end, pos));
+   return EINA_TRUE;
+static void
+_keydown(void *data EINA_UNUSED, Evas *evas EINA_UNUSED, Evas_Object *o 
EINA_UNUSED, void *einfo)
+   Evas_Event_Key_Down *ev = einfo;
+   if (strcmp(ev->key, "a") == 0)
+     {
+        if (!anim)
+          {
+             anim = ecore_animator_add(_anim, NULL);
+             start_time = ecore_loop_time_get();
+          }
+        else
+          {
+             ecore_animator_del(anim);
+             anim = NULL;
+          }
+        /* eo_do(root, efl_vg_interpolate(beginning, end, 0.5)); */
+     }
+   fprintf(stderr, "key: [%s]\n", ev->key);
@@ -556,6 +625,8 @@ main(void)
    d.bg = evas_object_rectangle_add(d.evas);
    evas_object_color_set(d.bg, 70, 70, 70, 255); /* white bg */
+   evas_object_focus_set(d.bg, 1);
+   evas_object_event_callback_add(d.bg, EVAS_CALLBACK_KEY_DOWN, _keydown, 


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