Hi, I ran into what I believe is a bug today.  I’m using primarily Git
for Windows 2.16.2 and also reproduced the behavior on Git for Windows
2.15.1 and Git 2.14.1 on Ubuntu:

Given any repository with at least one subdirectory:

1.       Create some untracked files in the subdir
2.       Modify a tracked file in the subdir
3.       Execute `git stash push subdir`
4.       The untracked files will be removed, without warning.

`git stash push` behaves as-expcted and does not touch untracked
files.  It’s only when a directory tree is specified as [pathspec]
that the problem occurs.

Here's the precise reproduction case executed on a linux box:

jake@jake-VirtualBox:~/woot$ git --version
git version 2.14.1
jake@jake-VirtualBox:~/woot$ git config --global user.email jake.st...@gmail.com
jake@jake-VirtualBox:~/woot$ git config --global user.name "Jake Stine"
jake@jake-VirtualBox:~$ git init woot
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/jake/woot/.git/
jake@jake-VirtualBox:~$ cd woot
jake@jake-VirtualBox:~/woot$ mkdir subdir
jake@jake-VirtualBox:~/woot$ echo "test" > meh.txt
jake@jake-VirtualBox:~/woot$ echo "test" > subdir/meh2.txt
jake@jake-VirtualBox:~/woot$ git add meh.txt subdir/meh2.txt
jake@jake-VirtualBox:~/woot$ git commit --message="stash bug testing"
jake@jake-VirtualBox:~/woot$ git commit --message="stash bug testing"
[master (root-commit) 2c05580] stash bug testing
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 meh.txt
 create mode 100644 subdir/meh2.txt
jake@jake-VirtualBox:~/woot$ echo "test" > subdir/untracked.txt
jake@jake-VirtualBox:~/woot$ echo "append" >> subdir/meh2.txt
jake@jake-VirtualBox:~/woot$ git stash push subdir
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 2c05580 stash bug testing
jake@jake-VirtualBox:~/woot$ ls subdir

The expected result is that when I do `ls subdir` the file
"untracked.txt" still exists.  Alternatively, git stash should warn me
before destroying my untracked files, and require I specify --force or
similar to invoke destructive behavior.

Jake Stine

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