[remote "repo"]
  url =
There is a question mark in the URL of the repo URL.

Effect (Taken from Apache logs):
[22/Sep/2014:14:12:07 -0400] "GET
/git/ HTTP/1.1"
403 207 "-" "git/1.9.4.msysgit.1"

Git attempts to correct the issue by making the query string continue
using ampersands where it would have started the original query

Expected outcome:
The git client should move the ?foo=bar onto the beginning (or end) of
the query string that it is creating. For example:
[22/Sep/2014:14:12:07 -0400] "GET
/git/ HTTP/1.1"
403 207 "-" "git/1.9.4.msysgit.1"

This is caused on the git client, double checked with Wireshark. I
have not tested this on HTTPS, but imagine the output is the same.
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