I believe there may be a bug when initializing a new repository relating to the directory permissions when the --shared=group option is used and the repository is within a sub-directory.

The following will create the "test.git" directory with 2775 permissions (which is as expected):

  $ ls -ld test.git
  ls: cannot access test.git: No such file or directory
  $ git init --bare --shared=group test.git
  Initialized empty shared Git repository in /tmp/test.git/
  $ ls -ld test.git
  drwxrwsr-x 7 pete users 4096 2012-11-14 11:15 test.git

This following will also create the "test.git" directory with 2775 permissions, BUT the "subdir" directory ends up with 755 permissions:

  $ ls -ld subdir
  ls: cannot access subdir: No such file or directory
  $ git init --bare --shared=group subdir/test.git
  Initialized empty shared Git repository in /tmp/subdir/test.git/
  $ ls -ld subdir subdir/test.git
  drwxr-xr-x 3 pete users 4096 2012-11-14 11:16 subdir
  drwxrwsr-x 7 pete users 4096 2012-11-14 11:16 subdir/test.git

Assuming the "subdir" directory doesn't already exist and is created by the "git init" command AND the --shared=group option is used, then shouldn't the "subdir" directory also have 2775 permissions?
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