This tests that an apache web server can be used as an
external object database and store files in their native
format instead of converting them to a Git object.

Signed-off-by: Christian Couder <>
 t/ | 142 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 142 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 t/

diff --git a/t/ b/t/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f84fe950ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+test_description='tests for transfering external objects to an HTTPD server'
+. ./
+# If we don't specify a port, the current test number will be used
+# which will not work as it is less than 1024, so it can only be used by root.
+LIB_HTTPD_PORT=$(expr ${this_test#t} + 12000)
+start_httpd apache-e-odb.conf
+# odb helper script must see this
+export HTTPD_URL
+write_script odb-http-helper <<\EOF
+die() {
+       printf >&2 "%s\n" "$@"
+       exit 1
+echo >&2 "odb-http-helper args:" "$@"
+case "$1" in
+       echo "capability=get_raw_obj"
+       echo "capability=put_raw_obj"
+       echo "capability=have"
+       ;;
+       list_url="$HTTPD_URL/list/"
+       curl "$list_url" ||
+       die "curl '$list_url' failed"
+       ;;
+       get_url="$HTTPD_URL/list/?sha1=$2"
+       curl "$get_url" ||
+       die "curl '$get_url' failed"
+       ;;
+       sha1="$2"
+       size="$3"
+       kind="$4"
+       upload_url="$HTTPD_URL/upload/?sha1=$sha1&size=$size&type=$kind"
+       curl --data-binary @- --include "$upload_url" >out ||
+       die "curl '$upload_url' failed"
+       ref_hash=$(echo "$sha1 $size $kind" | GIT_NO_EXTERNAL_ODB=1 git 
hash-object -w -t blob --stdin) || exit
+       git update-ref refs/odbs/magic/"$sha1" "$ref_hash"
+       ;;
+       die "unknown command '$1'"
+       ;;
+test_expect_success 'setup repo with a root commit and the helper' '
+       test_commit zero &&
+       git config odb.magic.scriptCommand "$HELPER"
+test_expect_success 'setup another repo from the first one' '
+       git init other-repo &&
+       (cd other-repo &&
+        git remote add origin .. &&
+        git pull origin master &&
+        git checkout master &&
+        git log)
+test_expect_success 'can upload a file' '
+       echo "Hello Apache World!" >hello_to_send.txt &&
+       echo "How are you?" >>hello_to_send.txt &&
+       curl --data-binary @hello_to_send.txt --include "$UPLOAD_URL" 
+test_expect_success 'can list uploaded files' '
+       curl --include "$LIST_URL" >out_list &&
+       grep "$UPLOADFILENAME" out_list
+test_expect_success 'can delete uploaded files' '
+       curl --data "delete" --include "$UPLOAD_URL&delete=1" >out_delete &&
+       curl --include "$LIST_URL" >out_list2 &&
+       ! grep "$UPLOADFILENAME" out_list2
+test_expect_success 'new blobs are transfered to the http server' '
+       test_commit one &&
+       hash1=$(git ls-tree HEAD | grep one.t | cut -f1 | cut -d\  -f3) &&
+       echo "$hash1-4-blob" >expected &&
+       ls "$FILES_DIR" >actual &&
+       test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'blobs can be retrieved from the http server' '
+       git cat-file blob "$hash1" &&
+       git log -p >expected
+test_expect_success 'update other repo from the first one' '
+       (cd other-repo &&
+        git fetch origin "refs/odbs/magic/*:refs/odbs/magic/*" &&
+        test_must_fail git cat-file blob "$hash1" &&
+        git config odb.magic.scriptCommand "$HELPER" &&
+        git cat-file blob "$hash1" &&
+        git pull origin master)
+test_expect_success 'local clone from the first repo' '
+       mkdir my-clone &&
+       (cd my-clone &&
+        git clone .. . &&
+        git cat-file blob "$hash1")
+test_expect_success 'no-local clone from the first repo fails' '
+       mkdir my-other-clone &&
+       (cd my-other-clone &&
+        test_must_fail git clone --no-local .. .) &&
+       rm -rf my-other-clone
+test_expect_success 'no-local clone from the first repo with helper succeeds' '
+       mkdir my-other-clone &&
+       (cd my-other-clone &&
+        git clone -c odb.magic.scriptCommand="$HELPER" \
+               --no-local .. .) &&
+       rm -rf my-other-clone

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