> From Jo zeve
> git-scm comes with ca-bundle.trust.crt and cert.pem, it currently (2.6.4)
> assumes that they are stored in
> <dir name>\mingw32\libexec\ssl\certs
> <dir name>\mingw32\libexec\ssl
> which is not true, they are in
> <dir name>\mingw32\ssl\certs
> <dir name>\mingw32\ssl

The location of the CA certs is discussed in
https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/issues/425 among others (do have a
search through the issues for the other discussions).

As I understand it from watching the discussions go by, Windows and *nix
have different perspectives on where they should be stored.

If you can help with a suitable patch / Pull request that would be great.
Especially as it looks like you desire the 32 bitness version.



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