Commit:     d9ebcacee94ba818a65fcefdae5f1cbad2ac7ad0
Parent:     6c6dc56c1e980dd3b63c9e7b5209167f9afcafcc
Author:     Jesper Nilsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
AuthorDate: Mon Jan 28 18:03:26 2008 +0100
Committer:  Jesper Nilsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CommitDate: Fri Feb 8 11:06:38 2008 +0100

    CRIS v32: Remove juliette.h, it is not supported for CRIS v32.
 include/asm-cris/arch-v32/juliette.h |  326 ----------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 326 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/asm-cris/arch-v32/juliette.h 
deleted file mode 100644
index f1f8172..0000000
--- a/include/asm-cris/arch-v32/juliette.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _ASM_JULIETTE_H
-#define _ASM_JULIETTE_H
-/* juliette _IOC_TYPE, bits 8 to 15 in ioctl cmd */
-#define JULIOCTYPE 42
-/* supported ioctl _IOC_NR's */
-#define JULSTARTDMA      0x1        /* start a picture asynchronously */
-/* set parameters */
-#define SETDEFAULT        0x2 /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define SETPARAMETERS     0x3 /* CCD/VIDEO      */
-#define SETSIZE           0x4 /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define SETCOMPRESSION    0x5 /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define SETCOLORLEVEL     0x6 /* CCD/VIDEO      */
-#define SETBRIGHTNESS     0x7 /* CCD            */
-#define SETROTATION       0x8 /* CCD            */
-#define SETTEXT           0x9 /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define SETCLOCK          0xa /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define SETDATE           0xb /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define SETTIMEFORMAT     0xc /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define SETDATEFORMAT     0xd /*     VIDEO      */
-#define SETTEXTALIGNMENT  0xe /*     VIDEO      */
-#define SETFPS            0xf /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define SETVGA           0xff /*     VIDEO      */
-#define SETCOMMENT       0xfe /* CCD/VIDEO      */
-/* get parameters */
-#define GETDRIVERTYPE    0x10 /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define GETPARAMETERS    0x12 /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define GETBUFFERSIZE    0x13 /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define GETVIDEOTYPE     0x14 /*     VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define GETVIDEOSIGNAL   0x15 /*     VIDEO      */
-#define GETMODULATION    0x16 /*     VIDEO      */
-#define GETDCYVALUES     0xa0 /* CCD      /SS1M */
-#define GETDCYWIDTH      0xa1 /* CCD      /SS1M */
-#define GETDCYHEIGHT     0xa2 /* CCD      /SS1M */
-#define GETSIZE          0xa3 /* CCD/VIDEO      */
-#define GETCOMPRESSION   0xa4 /* CCD/VIDEO      */
-/* detect and get parameters */
-#define DETECTMODULATION  0x17 /*     VIDEO      */
-#define DETECTVIDEOTYPE   0x18 /*     VIDEO      */
-#define DETECTVIDEOSIGNAL 0x19 /*     VIDEO      */
-/* configure default parameters */
-#define DEFSIZE           0x21 /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define DEFCOMPRESSION    0x22 /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define DEFCOLORLEVEL     0x23 /* CCD/VIDEO      */
-#define DEFBRIGHTNESS     0x24 /* CCD            */
-#define DEFROTATION       0x25 /* CCD            */
-#define DEFWHITEBALANCE   0x26 /* CCD            */
-#define DEFEXPOSURE       0x27 /* CCD            */
-#define DEFAUTOEXPWINDOW  0x28 /* CCD            */
-#define DEFTEXT           0x29 /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define DEFCLOCK          0x2a /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define DEFDATE           0x2b /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define DEFTIMEFORMAT     0x2c /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define DEFDATEFORMAT     0x2d /*     VIDEO      */
-#define DEFTEXTALIGNMENT  0x2e /*     VIDEO      */
-#define DEFFPS            0x2f /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define DEFTEXTSTRING     0x30 /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define DEFHEADERINFO     0x31 /* CCD/VIDEO/SS1M */
-#define DEFWEXAR          0x32 /* CCD            */
-#define DEFLINEDELAY      0x33 /* CCD            */
-#define DEFDISABLEDVIDEO  0x34 /*     VIDEO      */
-#define DEFVIDEOTYPE      0x35 /*     VIDEO      */
-#define DEFMODULATION     0x36 /*     VIDEO      */
-#define DEFXOFFSET        0x37 /*     VIDEO      */
-#define DEFYOFFSET        0x38 /*     VIDEO      */
-#define DEFYCMODE         0x39 /*     VIDEO      */
-#define DEFVCRMODE        0x3a /*     VIDEO      */
-#define DEFWCDS           0x3c /* CCD            */
-#define DEFVGA            0x3d /*     VIDEO      */
-#define DEFCOMMENT        0x3e /* CCD/VIDEO      */
-#define DEFCOMMENTSIZE    0x3f /* CCD/VIDEO      */
-#define DEFCOMMENTTEXT    0x50 /* CCD/VIDEO      */
-#define DEFSTOREDCYTEXT   0x51 /*     VIDEO      */
-#define JULABORTDMA       0x70 /* Abort current DMA transfer */
-/* juliette general i/o port */
-#define JIO_READBITS      0x40 /* read and return current port bits */
-#define JIO_SETBITS       0x41 /* set bits marked by 1 in the argument */
-#define JIO_CLRBITS       0x42 /* clr bits marked by 1 in the argument */
-#define JIO_READDIR       0x43 /* read direction, 0=input 1=output */
-#define JIO_SETINPUT      0x44 /* set direction, 0=unchanged 1=input
-                                  returns current dir */
-#define JIO_SETOUTPUT     0x45 /* set direction, 0=unchanged 1=output
-                                  returns current dir */
-/**** YumYum internal adresses ****/
-/* Juliette buffer addresses */
-#define BUFFER1_VIDEO   0x1100
-#define BUFFER2_VIDEO   0x2800
-#define ACDC_BUFF_VIDEO 0x0aaa
-#define BUFFER1         0x1700
-#define BUFFER2         0x2b01
-#define ACDC_BUFFER     0x1200
-#define BUFFER1_SS1M    0x1100
-#define BUFFER2_SS1M    0x2800
-#define ACDC_BUFF_SS1M  0x0900
-/* Juliette parameter memory addresses */
-#define PA_BUFFER_CNT     0x3f09 /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_CCD_BUFFER     0x3f10 /* CCD       */
-#define PA_VIDEO_BUFFER   0x3f10 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_DCT_BUFFER     0x3f11 /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_TEMP           0x3f12 /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_VIDEOLINE_RD   0x3f13 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_VIDEOLINE_WR   0x3f14 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_VI_HDELAY0     0x3f15 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_VI_VDELAY0     0x3f16 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_VI_HDELAY1     0x3f17 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_VI_VDELAY1     0x3f18 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_VI_HDELAY2     0x3f19 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_VI_VDELAY2     0x3f1a /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_VI_HDELAY3     0x3f1b /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_VI_VDELAY3     0x3f1c /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_VI_CTRL        0x3f20 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_JPEG_CTRL      0x3f22 /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_BUFFER_SIZE    0x3f24 /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_PAL_NTSC       0x3f25 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_MACROBLOCKS    0x3f26 /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_COLOR          0x3f27 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_MEMCH1CNT2     0x3f28 /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_MEMCH1CNT3     0x3f29 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_MEMCH1STR2     0x3f2a /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_MEMCH1STR3     0x3f2b /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_BUFFERS        0x3f2c /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_PROGRAM        0x3f2d /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_ROTATION       0x3f2e /* CCD       */
-#define PA_PC             0x3f30 /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_PC2            0x3f31 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_ODD_LINE       0x3f32 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_EXP_DELAY      0x3f34 /* CCD       */
-#define PA_MACROBLOCK_CNT 0x3f35 /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_DRAM_PTR1_L    0x3f36 /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_CLPOB_CNT      0x3f37 /* CCD       */
-#define PA_DRAM_PTR1_H    0x3f38 /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_DRAM_PTR2_L    0x3f3a /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_DRAM_PTR2_H    0x3f3c /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_CCD_LINE_CNT   0x3f3f /* CCD       */
-#define PA_VIDEO_LINE_CNT 0x3f3f /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_TEXT           0x3f41 /* CCD/VIDEO */
-#define PA_CAMERA_CHANGED 0x3f42 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_TEXTALIGNMENT  0x3f43 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_DISABLED       0x3f44 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_MACROBLOCKTEXT 0x3f45 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_VGA            0x3f46 /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_ZERO           0x3ffe /*     VIDEO */
-#define PA_NULL           0x3fff /* CCD/VIDEO */
-typedef enum {
-       jpeg  = 0,
-       dummy = 1
-} request_type;
-typedef enum {
-       hugesize  = 0,
-       fullsize  = 1,
-       halfsize  = 2,
-       fieldsize = 3
-} size_type;
-typedef enum {
-       min       = 0,
-       low       = 1,
-       medium    = 2,
-       high      = 3,
-       very_high = 4,
-       very_low  = 5,
-       q1        = 6,
-       q2        = 7,
-       q3        = 8,
-       q4        = 9,
-       q5        = 10,
-       q6        = 11
-} compr_type;
-typedef enum {
-       deg_0   = 0,
-       deg_180 = 1,
-       deg_90  = 2,
-       deg_270 = 3
-} rotation_type;
-typedef enum {
-       auto_white    = 0,
-       hold          = 1,
-       fixed_outdoor = 2,
-       fixed_indoor  = 3,
-       fixed_fluor   = 4
-} white_balance_type;
-typedef enum {
-       auto_exp  = 0,
-       fixed_exp = 1
-} exposure_type;
-typedef enum {
-       no_window = 0,
-       center    = 1,
-       top       = 2,
-       lower     = 3,
-       left      = 4,
-       right     = 5,
-       spot      = 6,
-       cw        = 7
-} exp_window_type;
-typedef enum {
-       h_24 = 0,
-       h_12 = 1,
-       h_24P = 2
-} hour_type;
-typedef enum {
-       standard = 0,
-       YYYY_MM_DD = 1,
-       Www_Mmm_DD_YYYY = 2,
-       Www_DD_MM_YYYY = 3
-} date_type;
-typedef enum {
-       left_align = 0,
-       center_align = 1,
-       right_align = 2
-} alignment_type;
-typedef enum {
-       off = 0,
-       on  = 1,
-       no  = 0,
-       yes = 1
-} enable_type;
-typedef enum {
-         disabled = 0,
-         enabled  = 1,
-         extended = 2
-} comment_type;
-typedef enum {
-       pal  = 0,
-       ntsc = 1
-} video_type;
-typedef enum {
-       pal_bghi_ntsc_m              = 0,
-       ntsc_4_43_50hz_pal_4_43_60hz = 1,
-       pal_n_ntsc_4_43_60hz         = 2,
-       ntsc_n_pal_m                 = 3,
-       secam_pal_4_43_60hz          = 4
-} modulation_type;
-typedef enum {
-       cam0 = 0,
-       cam1 = 1,
-       cam2 = 2,
-       cam3 = 3,
-       quad = 32
-} camera_type;
-typedef enum {
-       video_driver = 0,
-       ccd_driver   = 1
-} driver_type;
-struct jul_param {
-       request_type req_type;
-       size_type size;
-       compr_type compression;
-       rotation_type rotation;
-       int color_level;
-       int brightness;
-       white_balance_type white_balance;
-       exposure_type exposure;
-        exp_window_type auto_exp_window;
-       hour_type time_format;
-       date_type date_format;
-       alignment_type text_alignment;
-       enable_type text;
-       enable_type clock;
-       enable_type date;
-       enable_type fps;
-        enable_type vga;
-        enable_type comment;
-struct video_param {
-       enable_type disabled;
-       modulation_type modulation;
-       video_type video;
-       enable_type signal;
-       enable_type vcr;
-       int xoffset;
-       int yoffset;
-/* The juliette_request structure is used during the JULSTARTDMA asynchronous
- * picture-taking ioctl call as an argument to specify a buffer which will get
- * the final picture.
- */
-struct juliette_request {
-       char *buf;              /* Pointer to the buffer to hold picture data */
-       unsigned int buflen;    /* Length of the above buffer */
-       unsigned int size;      /* Resulting length, 0 if the picture is not 
ready */
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