On Mon, Aug 06, 2018 at 10:02:06PM -0700, William Steele wrote:

> Trying to execute git archive from an ant target and make it part of a 
> deploy script—I am unable to get it to operate.  Any assistance would be 
> greatly appreciated.
> If I were to enter the command at the command line, it would be: git 
> archive -o update.zip HEAD $(git diff --name-only HEAD^)
> When I make this an ant target:
> <git command="archive">
> <args>
> <arg value="-o ${work.deploy.location}/zip/deploy_changes.zip HEAD $(git 
> diff -_name-only HEAD^)" />
> </args>
> </git>

The problem is that the $(command [args]) construct is the so-called
"command substitution" of a (POSIX) shell. That is, when you call
(broken into two lines to fit the message's width)

  git archive -o /some/path/to/zip/deploy_changes.zip \
    HEAD $(git diff --name-only HEAD^)

by hand, the shell first takes the text between the "$(" and the closing
")", executes it as a command, and replaces the whole "$(...)" thing
with the text that command printed into its standard output stream while
running. Then the shell executes the resulting command "as is".

The end result is that if that `git diff ...` encantation would print,
say, three file names, the command to be executed by the shell would be

  git archive -o .../foo.zip HEAD file1 file2 file3

So, back to your problem. Your "Ant" thing — whatever it may be —
supposedly implements a special "target" tailored specifically to
execute Git commands, but it obviously call Git directly, not via a
shell, and hence that

  $(git diff --name-only HEAD^)

thing gets passed to Git literally, as is.

There are at least two ways to solve this.
I'm not familiar with Ant so the first one will be a wild guess.

1. If Ant has a way to execute a command, collect its output
   and use it as argument(s) to pass to another command, that's the
   way to go: you first run `git diff ...` as a separate command,
   collect its output and then instruct Ant to use that output
   as the rest of arguments to call `git archive`.

2. Use the second approach with the "exec" action but make Ant
   call the shell.

   Something like this should do:

     <exec executable="/bin/sh">
       <arg value="-c" />                     
       <arg value="'${work.deploy.location}/zip/deploy_changes.zip'
         HEAD $(git diff --name-only HEAD^)" />

   The action would call the shell and then pass it _a shell script_
   to execute specified as a single parameter to its "-c" option.

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