Let i have these commits:

* bbbbbbbb task #2850
* aaaaaaaa task #2850 - #2961

Then i fixuping last commit:

git commit --fixup=bbbbbbbb

* bfbfbfbf fixup! task #2850
* bbbbbbbb task #2850
* aaaaaaaa task #2850 - #2961

And I perform interactive rebase. Result will be:

* p bbbbbbbb task #2850
* f bfbfbfbf fixup! task #2850
* p aaaaaaaa task #2850 - #2961

Fixup plased after wrong commit. Yes, this behavior is documentated:
git rebase -i --autosquash places fixup|squash commits after "a commit 
whose title begins with the same …". (see rebase options 

But why commit --fixup make this? Why not use SHA in fixup commit message 
like this?

git commit --fixup=bbbbbbbb

* bfbfbfbf fixup! bbbbbbbb
* bbbbbbbb task #2850
* aaaaaaaa task #2850 - #2961

And I perform interactive rebase. Result will be:

* f bfbfbfbf fixup! bbbbbbbb
* p bbbbbbbb task #2850
* p aaaaaaaa task #2850 - #2961

And it is what i expect.
So, using commit message by default in creating fixup commits is trustless.
May be there is an option to use SHAs instead commit messages? I dont found 


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