On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 05:37:22AM +0100, Just a Turd wrote:

> But why does something always go wrong?

Judging from what you wrote in your rant, you made use of pretty
advanced pieces of Git functionality. As with any advanced tools I can
think of, their successful usage requires advanced mastery of them.

While some people like to put forward arguments that, say, an imaginary
GUI could have successfully hands-held you through that process, I doubt
such a solution is feasible, and I don't mean that it's impossible to
create - I mean it would be impossible to use: to solitict a solution
from you in any situation where you could carry out several different
actions, it would have to educate you on the matters surrounding that
situation and ask your consent.
I'd say that such solution would be impenetrable for a human.
Consider a carpenter's toolbox, in which each of the tools tries to
educate you on the laws of physics each time you attempt to wield it.

Git does have sharp tools in its disposal. They require learning how
they work, and practicing. Or you can ignore most of them and use just
the most basic ones.

> It's such unfriendly software... :(.

Practically, I'd say you should learn about the Git reflog.
That's the special place in a Git repository which recoard each
"drastic" movement of any branch or tag being operated on.
Drastic means "which would otherwise lead to loss of the artefact being
operated on".

The reflog allows you to recover from any "oops!" case which occur from
improper assumptions about how particular Git commands behave.

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