[git-users] Help with getting desired git log output between two tags

2013-06-04 Thread Git User List

Hi. What I am looking for is a way to list all
commits between two tags. Given the diagram below, commit (6) and (H) each
have a tag pointing to them. I want to figure out how to list all commits from
(H) that have parents that lead back to (6). Note I am not looking for all
commits reachable by (H) that are not reachable by (6).

In the
diagram I want to list all the letter commits and none of the number commits .
Any thoughts? I suspect this is not possible, but wanted to ask others.



8 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

 Q - 
R   \
/  \   \
  9 - (6) - B - C -
D - E - F - (H) - 7

\ /   /
I - J - K   /
\ /
M - N - P

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Re: [git-users] Help with getting desired git log output between two tags

2013-06-04 Thread Git User List
Can't seem to make may email program draw nice ascii pics. Please see jpg

Hi. What I am looking for is a way to list all
commits between two tags. Given the diagram below, commit (6) and (H) each
have a tag pointing to them. I want to figure out how to list all commits from
(H) that have parents that lead back to (6). Note I am not looking for all
commits reachable by (H) that are not reachable by (6).

In the
diagram I want to list all the letter commits and none of the number commits .
Any thoughts? I suspect this is not possible, but wanted to ask others.



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attachment: git-branch-diag.jpg

Re: [git-users] Re: Documentation discrepancy

2012-06-26 Thread Git User
Thanks a lot everyone.
Finally figured it out.
I think that the following command sequence will do the trick:
cp file file.unstaged
git co file
git commit file
mv file.unstaged file
I'll try to do a wrapper (`git-commit-staged' for example) and extend it on 
the case of multiple files.

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Re: [git-users] Re: Documentation discrepancy

2012-06-25 Thread Git User

Thanks again.

It seems I didn't express myself clearly. OK, let me elaborate on specific 

 *Scenario 1:*

 *$ cata.txt *


*$ git add a.txt *

*$ cata.txt *


*$ git st *

# On branch master 

# Changes to be committed: 

# (use git reset HEAD file... to unstage) 


# new file: a.txt 


# Changed but not updated: 

# (use git add file... to update what will be committed) 

# (use git checkout -- file... to discard changes in working directory) 


# modified: a.txt 


*$ git ci -m 'add a.txt' *

*$ git st *

# On branch master 

# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. 


# Changed but not updated: 

# (use git add file... to update what will be committed) 

# (use git checkout -- file... to discard changes in working directory) 


# modified: a.txt 


no changes added to commit (use git add and/or git commit -a) 

 OK, that's clear. Next:

 *Scenario 2:*

 *$ catb.txt *


*$ git add b.txt *

*$ catc.txt *


*$ git add c.txt *

*$ catb.txt *


*$ catc.txt *


*$ git st *

# On branch master 

# Changes to be committed: 

# (use git reset HEAD file... to unstage) 


# new file: b.txt 

# new file: c.txt 


# Changed but not updated: 

# (use git add file... to update what will be committed) 

# (use git checkout -- file... to discard changes in working directory) 


# modified: b.txt 

# modified: c.txt 


Up till now it's also clear. Then we do:


*$ git ci -m 'add c.txt' c.txt *

*$ git st *

# On branch master 

# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit. 


# Changes to be committed: 

# (use git reset HEAD file... to unstage) 


# new file: b.txt 


# Changed but not updated: 

# (use git add file... to update what will be committed) 

# (use git checkout -- file... to discard changes in working directory) 


# modified: b.txt 


From the output of the above command I can conclude that b.txt, although 
having staged (as well as unstaged) changes, preserves its state exactly as 
it was before last commit, so git left other files except c.txt 'as-is'.

To sum it up:

«Scenario 1» tells that git lets us commit staged changes and preserves 
unstaged changes of a file.

«Scenario 2» tells that git lets us commit only selected files from the 
index, and leave other files 'as-is'.

What prevents us from combining these two behaviours, so that we could 
commit only selected files from the index, preserving their unstaged 
changes, as well as leaving other files 'as-is'?

 If it's too cumbersome an explanation, could you please tell me how to see 
which plumbing commands are executed with a specified porcelain command 
(something like a trace or debug feature)? I could have then decomposed 
`git commit' and `git commit file' into low-level commands and craft my own 
porcelain command based on those plumbing commands.

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Re: [git-users] Re: Documentation discrepancy

2012-06-21 Thread Git User
Thank you.
Here is what I meant:
echo alpha  a.txt
add a.txt
echo beta  b.txt
add b.txt
echo gamma  b.txt

Now I have a.txt and b.txt in staged state; and b.txt also has unstaged 
I want to commit ONLY b.txt (i.e. I want to commit only 'beta' and leave 
b.txt in modified state with 'beta'  'gamma' in it, 'gamma' being showed 
as '+gamma' in `git diff'.
Something like `git commit --staged b.txt'
In other words, how do we `git commit' just one file from the index if 
there are more than one files in the index.

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[git-users] Documentation discrepancy

2012-05-30 Thread Git User
git commit --help
3. by listing files as arguments to the commit command, in which 
   the commit will ignore changes staged in the index, and instead
   record the current content of the listed files (which must 
   be known to git);

ignore -- unstage


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