
I contribute to [this project](https://github.com/GCorbel/smart_listing). I 
did a first pull request and I want to continue but now, when I submit my 
changes, it want to replay all commits from the beginning, including the 
first pull request.

This is the graph version of commits :

* 3cc0de2 (origin/master, simplify_api) Remove the spec directory in the 
dummy app
*   fbd8a0d Merge master and pull request
| * 61cad2d (HEAD, upstream/master, master) Feature spec
* | 0b14747 Refactor #smart_listing_create
* | e49c522 Use the controller name by default
* | a1c1a92 Remove the spec directory in dummy app
* | 4128104 Remove gems from Gemfile and add it in gemspec
* | 970f363 Add spec for #smart_listing
* | 098fcfe Add specs for #smart_listing_create
* | 6a4229e follow convention for hashes
* | a697f46 Add specs for array
* | 6fed166 Add specs for page
* | 8839d44 Add specs for non Array collection
* | cf03ff3 Add specs for the memorization of per_page
* | e6d79f1 Dont change the global settings
* | eddc5dd Use a method to build lists
* | 98e41bb Add tests for sort
* | a783979 Add tests for per page value
* | cfa2f6d Add a spec to search
* | 86731d6 Add some specs for manage items
* | 811eac9 Add spec to manage items
* | a3db478 Add a test for sortable items
* | b172eb9 Ignore tags file
* | 7ecb856 Add the first feature spec
* | c0b6a55 Make a simple app using smart_listing
* | d7c93d7 Add simple MVC item
* | e67e444 Add a dummy app
* | 721817f Ignore some files
* 89e24b6 Add missing update_list event

The commit 61cad2d include all commits made before 970f363. Git say "This 
branch is 27 commits ahead of Sology:master" but it's not real because I 
made only 4 commits since the merge. Is it possible to replay only the 
changes I made since 4128104 and clean older commits?

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