
I try to figure out how I can invoke a post push action which should be to 
invoce a webbrowser with the correct PR link which is displayed after a 
push to origin/remote like this:

POST git-receive-pack (613 bytes)
remote: Create pull request for <featurebranch>:        
Branch '<featurebranch>' set up to track remote branch '<featurebranch>' 
from 'origin'.
Pushing to https://user@giturl/urltorepo.git
To https://giturl/urltorepo.git
 * [new branch]      <featurebranch> -> <featurebranch>
updating local tracking ref 'refs/remotes/origin/mr/<featurebranch>'

So I want to invoke to launch a browser page with the url I get back as 
remote which (at least with bitbucket) will give me the PR page prefilled 
with the branches.

Can someone give me a head start here?



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