Re: [git-users] Help with git pull, and restricting what gets pulled

2017-04-27 Thread Igor Djordjevic
Hi Michael,

On Thursday, April 27, 2017 at 1:42:18 AM UTC+2, Michael Gersten wrote:
> Thank you very much.

No problem, glad if it helped :)

When I said 
> >   843  git fetch origin refs/pull/12121/head 
> I was under the impression that explicitly fetching a specific branch also 
> set up a tracking branch for it. 
> I was not aware that I had to say --track

In some general use, you don`t even have to say `--track` nowadays, if you 
try to checkout a branch that does not exist, but Git finds a remote branch 
of the same name, it will be smart and create a new local branch with that 
name for you, setting it to track the remote branch automatically.

For example, in a case like this:

$ git branch --all
* master

... you can just do (note that local branch "Dish" doesn`t even exist yet):

$ git checkout Dish

... and you`ll get your local remote tracking branch automatically:

Switched to a new branch 'Dish'
Branch Dish set up to track remote branch Dish from gkoelln.

However, in your specific case with "pull request branches" this doesn`t 
seem to work as automatically - maybe because of the "special nature" of 
those pull request "branches" (residing inside "refs/pull/", instead of 
"refs/heads/", on the remote side)...? Not really sure. Yet, `--track` gets 
the job done ;)


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Re: [git-users] Help with git pull, and restricting what gets pulled

2017-04-26 Thread Michael
Thank you very much.

> Where did you "explicitly ask for pull request 12121" remote tracking branch, 
> in order for it to be shown here? I haven`t seen that command in your e-mail, 
> so unless you accidentally omitted it, you didn`t actually ask for it... yet.

When I said
>   843  git fetch origin refs/pull/12121/head 
I was under the impression that explicitly fetching a specific branch also set 
up a tracking branch for it.

I was not aware that I had to say --track

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[git-users] Help with git pull, and restricting what gets pulled

2017-04-26 Thread Michael
So I'm having a "too much pulled" issue, that I'd like help with.

I'm working with this remote:

[remote "origin"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

I wanted to be able to get pull requests to test and play with, and I was told 
to add this line:

fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*

Which worked -- I was able to say
  843  git fetch origin refs/pull/12121/head

No problem.

What was the problem? Doing an update.

keybounceMBP:youtube-dl michael$ git pull master
fatal: 'master' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
keybounceMBP:youtube-dl michael$ git pull
remote: Counting objects: 17909, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (112/112), done.
remote: Total 17909 (delta 10124), reused 10079 (delta 10078), pack-reused 7717
Receiving objects: 100% (17909/17909), 74.44 MiB | 3.01 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (12988/12988), completed with 3257 local objects.
   629dc1892..b876a9cd7  gh-pages -> origin/gh-pages
   a4d6cf970..3dc8b61b7  master   -> origin/master
 * [new ref] refs/pull/0/head -> origin/pr/0
 * [new ref] refs/pull/100/head   -> origin/pr/100
 * [new ref] refs/pull/10011/head -> origin/pr/10011
 * [new ref] refs/pull/10012/head -> origin/pr/10012

So, instead of updating master, like I thought, or just the one pull request I 
had previously gotten (NB: those would be the only refs I had from that 
github), I now have lots and lots of things I don't care about or want.

My first question is, if I just delete the files from 
.git/refs/remotes/origin/pr/ that I don't want, will that result in git 
cleaning up the unwanted branches?

My second question is: The only way I could manage to update master was:

keybounceMBP:youtube-dl michael$ git fetch origin master
 * branchmaster -> FETCH_HEAD
keybounceMBP:youtube-dl michael$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 12 commits, and can be fast-forwarded.
  (use "git pull" to update your local branch)
keybounceMBP:youtube-dl michael$ git pull
Updating a4d6cf970..3dc8b61b7
 .github/ |   6 ++---


So, what is the proper/best usage of fetch/pull? At the moment, I'm interested 
in these branches:
origin master
origin refs/pull/12121
gkoelln Dish

And, while I did explicitly ask for pull request 12121, it did not show up in 
my remotes --
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
[branch "Dish"]
remote = gkoelln
merge = refs/heads/Dish

so what do I need to do to tell git that this is something I'm interested in?

(I can be 99% certain that I'll be adding some other pull request to this 
octopus at some point :-)

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