On Sep 12, 9:38 pm, Elaine <elnemur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> http://blogs.wandisco.com/author/david/
> "The problem we saw was that the Gitterons were firing (cheap) shots
> at Subversion. Tweets like “Subversion is so [slow/crappy/restrictive/
> doesn't smell good/looks at me in a funny way] and now I have GIT and
> [everything works in my life/my wife got pregnant/I got a girlfriend
> after 30 years of trying/I won six times running on the blackjack
> table]. You get the picture.
> So we decided to do something about it. We pointed out that shelving
> would enable, if an organization chooses, working in a disconnected
> mode. Oh boy did the Gitterons not like that. How dare we make
> Subversion better?!"

Having read the posts you have recently made on google groups, I came
to the conclusion that this is merely an advertisement, or SPAM to be
precise as you systematically tout that particular commertial software
product the author of the quoted post brags about. So I'm gonna mark
your post as SPAM.
Please refrain from such posts in the future.

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