
I think the problem is here:
while on branch new_function_find all new changes from master
were merged as:
#git merge -s recursive -Xignore-space-change master

I think with this you in fact state something like "when merging master and 
new_branch, I prefer the white spaces like on new_branch".
So when you try to merge back new_branch to your master, git takes the 
result of your last merge of master into your new_branch.
Generally speaking you end up with exactly the opposite of what you 

I think while you are on your new_branch merge changes from master without 
the -Xignore-space-change, and all will be fine.

But thats for the future.

>From my point of view now you have several possibilities...
If the <merge master> on your new_branch is the last commit, then simply 
reset back to previous commit, and you should be fine,
else I think you can try rebuilding a new_branch_1 by cherry-pick the 
non-merges commits from new_branch, and then you should be fine too (by 
merging new_branch_1 into the master)...
just lets hope you don't have too much commits to cherry-pick from your 
new_branch :-)


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