I am probably using git in an unusual way.

I want to do some development for a project that is managed by Mercurial 
(scite / scintilla), but, for the sake of learning git (and minimizing the 
need to learn anything else)  I want to use git for the work I do.

I've downloaded the source code as tarballs (which are available--I could also 
have downloaded the source code using Mercurial, but, as long as the tarballs 
are available, I'd prefer to do it using tarballs).

I originally downloaded version 3.66 of the source code, untarred it into a 
working directory, initialized a git repository, and then added and committed 
the source code to the git repository.

So far, I haven't actually made any changes to the source code.

Now version 3.70 is available, and I sort of repeated the process, that is, I 
untarred the new version into the working directory that I had previously 
created, then did a git status--it seemed to recognize the modified files, 
I then added and committed.

So far, so good.

But, I'm not sure how to handle further updates after I've made local changes 
to the source code.

The one approach I can think of is to create a patch file before I download the 
next update, then download and untar the next update, and then apply that 
patch file (while doing git adds and commits at the appropriate times, which I 
have to think about).

But the patch file approach seems rather cumbersome and un-git (and un-CMS) 
like--is there a better approach?


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