So I should just clone my work-repository on to my USB-drive (FAT32), and
when I come home, I clone from my USB-drive on to my Home-computer?? And
later on, use pulling to update the different repositories?

Isn't is smarter to pull from my work repository on to the USB-drive,
instead of pushing?

What is then the benefit of using "git bundle"?

William Strømsvold

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 11:57, Petr Baudis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Hi,
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 12:06:46AM -0700, William S. wrote:
> > I don't have access to my work computer by SSH, or in any other way,
> > so I'm stuck using an USB-drive to transfer the files to my home
> > computer.
> >
> > I've read about problems with git and the FAT32 filesystem commonly
> > used on USB-drives. so I stumbled across the git bundle command, so
> > I'm thinking of using it for this purpose in the following way:
> >
> > @work: git bundle create mybundle.bdl master
> > @usb: cp /work-computer/repository/mybundle.bdl .
> > @home: git bundle verify /usbdrive/mybundle.bdl
> >                git pull /usbdrive/mybundle.bdl
> >
> > Is this wrong in any way? Can it be done in a more elegant way? I'm
> > interested in transferring the whole repository with full history
> > every time...
>  Using the latest msysgit 1.5.6 preview, I simply push to a Git
> repository on my FAT32 USB flash and never hit any problems. Have you
> tried that and actually hit problems? (I have some patches applied to
> make Git more dumb-filesystem-friendly that I only yesterday posted to
> the Git mailing list.)
>                                Petr "Pasky" Baudis
> >

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