I'm evaluating the feasibility of moving my team from SVN to git. We have a 
very large repo. [1] We will have a central repo using GitLab (or similar) 
that everybody works with. Forks, code sharing, pull requests etc. will be 
done through this central server.

By 'performance', I guess I mean *speed *of day to day operations for devs.

   - (Obviously, trivially, a (non-local) clone will be slow with a large 
   - Will a few simultaneous clones from the central server also slow down 
   other concurrent operations for other users?
   - Will 'git pull' be slow?
   - 'git push'?
   - 'git commit'? (It is listed as slow in reference [3].)
   - 'git stautus'? (Slow again in reference 3 though I don't see it.)
   - Some operations might not seem to be day-to-day but if they are called 
   frequently by the web front-end to GitLab/Stash/GitHub etc then they can 
   become bottlenecks. (e.g. 'git branch --contains' seems terribly adversely 
   affected by large numbers of branches.)
   - Others?

Assuming I can put lots of resources into a central server with lots of 
CPU, RAM, fast SSD, fast networking, what aspects of the repo are most 
likely to affect devs' experience?

   - Number of commits
   - Sheer size of repo
   - Number of tags.
   - Number of branches.
   - Binary objects in the repo that cause it to bloat in size (1)
   - Other factors?
   - Of the various HW items listed above --CPU speed, number of cores, 
   RAM, SSD, networking-- which is most critical here?
      - (Stash recommends 1.5 x repo_size x number of concurrent clones of 
      available RAM. I assume that is good advice in general.)
Assume ridiculous numbers. Let me exaggerate: say 1 million commits, 15 GB 
repo, 50k tags, 1,000 branches. (Due to historical code fixups, another 
5,000 "fix-up branches" which are just one little dangling commit required 
to change the code a little bit between a changeset a tag that was not 
quite made from it.)

While there's lots of information online, much of it is old [3] and with 
git constantly evolving I don't know how valid it still is. Then there's 
anecdotal evidence that is of questionable value.[2]
Are many/all of the issues Facebook identified [3] resolved? (Yes, I 
understand Facebook went with Mercurial. But I imagine the git team 
nevertheless took their analysis to heart.)


[1] (Yes, I'm investigating ways to make our repo not so large etc. That's 
beyond the scope of the discussion I'd like to have with this question. 
[2] The large amounts of anecdotal evidence relate to the "why don't you 
try it yourself?" response to my question. I will I I have to but setting 
up a properly methodical study is time consuming and difficult --I don't 
want to produce poor anecdotal numbers that don't really hold up-- and if 
somebody's already done the work, then I should leverage it.
[3] http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/189776

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