Eclipse Juno on Ubuntu 12.004

About 5 months ago I attempted use git with one of the packages in my one 
of my projects. I had never used git and got quite frustrated when 
following a tutorial as, pretty quickly, my screen didn't match the 
tutorial screen shots and some things just didn't work. I got sidetracked 
for some time with more important work and am now getting back to coding 
this project. I've also figured out that git is not appropriate for what 
I'm doing and want to remove my package from the local git repository and 
restore it to control of the Package Manager. The local git repository is 
in the workspace.

Here are some (shortened) paths:

Package Explorer - before git

Package Explorer - with git
 airborne.nodes [nodes master]

Git Repositories
 hpairborne [NO-HEAD]

 nodes [master]

If I highlight the git repository and right click among the options is 
"Delete". If I select that, is the code in the repository deleted or does 
it just remove pointers to it?

How do I proceed to restore the Eclipse package?

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