On Wed, 26 Sep 2012 04:24:39 -0700 (PDT)
Salah <khamassisa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a little question though: Some team developers that I
> encountered would like to be able to see which files (codes) are
> modified in the present 
> time locally. They told me that in their projects, some codes have to
> be modified by one person at time. For example, developer A wants to
> modify a code, but receives a notification (or some alert) that
> developer B is changing the file in his local machine but that he has
> not committed yet. I am 
> aware this stops work a little bit, but those are their requirements.
> I am wondering if GIT offers this possibility to developers.
No, it does not.

Actually, the whole point of a DVCS system is to allow disconnected
development -- you have all the history locally and are able to do any
number of commits to any branch and only reconcile your work with
another repository (a "reference" one, for example) when you're back
online.  As you could see, since you have all the history locally, and
nothinhg prevents you from creating any number of branches locally and
juggle code between them as you see fit, the whole point of "I am
editing this source file at the moment" becomes quite moot.

One another problem is that Git does not even really track file names
in the sense many people expect it to, see [1].


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