On Friday, November 14, 2014 9:22:25 AM UTC-5, Axel Magard wrote:
> either I still didn't grasp it or there is a mistake in chapter 3.1 "3.1 
> Git Branching - Branches in a Nutshell" 
> (http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Branches-in-a-Nutshell)
> The last figure on that page shows that branch 'master' and HEAD are 
> pointing to patch 87ab2, branch 'testing' to c2b9e.
> But the output from git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all 
> shows this:
> * c2b9e (HEAD, master) made other changes
> | * 87ab2 (testing) made a change
> |/
> * f30ab add feature #32 - ability to add new formats to the
> * 34ac2 fixed bug #1328 - stack overflow under certain conditions
> * 98ca9 initial commit of my project
> Shouldn't it look like this ?
> * 87ab2 (HEAD, master) made a change
> | * c2b9e (testing) made other changes
> |/
> * f30ab add feature #32 - ability to add new formats to the
> * 34ac2 fixed bug #1328 - stack overflow under certain conditions
> * 98ca9 initial commit of my project
Yes, Alex, I agree with you that there's a mismatch.

The testing pointer (branch) changes from 87ab2 to c2b9e between the 
diagrams labeled "HEAD moves when you checkout" (next to last figure) and 
"Divergent history" (last figure). I believe the git log is correct.

Rick Umali / Author: "Learn Git in a Month of Lunches" / 

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