Git supports multiple fetches:

fetch = trunk/project-a:refs/remotes/project-a/trunk
fetch = 

so, change your .config file to point to your env-specific directory and a "git 
svn reset -r" and "fetch/rebase"

On Friday, September 4, 2009 at 5:45:58 PM UTC-4, Mike Lowry wrote:
> I'm using git locally and interfacing with an svn repo.  My workflow 
> is something like: 
> git checkout master 
> git svn rebase              #pull svn changes 
> git checkout -b myfeature   #create local branch for hacking 
>                             #hack hack hack my feature 
> git commit -a               #commit my hack changes 
> git checkout master 
> git svn rebase              # get any more changes from svn 
> git checkout myfeature 
> git rebase master           # rebase master into myfeature 
> git checkout master 
> git merge myfeature         # merge myfeature back into master 
> git svn dcommit             # check it into svn 
> Only problem is master won't work locally due to a bunch of 
> environment specific settings (Think IP address, and path information 
> hard coded. Yes I know this is bad.) Right now I'm saving all of the 
> environment specific files in an external directory and everytime I do 
> a checkout I copy the files into my working copy, diffing them before 
> I copy, to see if they have been changed in any way. Needless to say 
> this is a major pain. 
> Any suggestions on how to manage the enviornment specific files? 

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