On Dec 12, 11:04 am, SCM Admin <ccadmin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Just one more thing to add here. How do i tag the whole content inside my
> branch? As paul said, if i do 10 commits only the final commit will be
> tagged. Now for example if i will branch-off from the master branch and
> start work from there and i want to give a final tag on the branch what i am
> working till now. Is it possible in GIT ?

This is not needed. Here's why: each commit in a repository managed by
knows its immediate parent commit(s) -- one for simple changeset and
two or more for commits resulted from merging.
Hence, if you khow the name of any commit in the history, you can
trace the full history of changes that commit resulted from.

Now let me guess about why you asked...
Note that Git it radically different from, say, Subversion in that you
not usually operate on changesets (well, in 1.5.x Subversion moved a
in the same direction as Git though), that is, merging developments
made on a branch back to the trunk do not require you to find out
your branch forked off, you just do
$ git checkout master
$ git merge mybranch
and Git figures out all by itself what to merge to make master have
all the
changes made in the mybranch (compared to master).

To get more familiar with concepts in Git, consider reading [1] (and
the material
it refers to) and [2].

> Also how do i see the content inside a commit? if i run "git log " it just
> shows the commit id and the author.
Did you read git log manual page at all?
try running `git help log`.
Also using some GUI tool might help, try gitk for instance.

1. http://tom.preston-werner.com/2009/05/19/the-git-parable.html
2. http://progit.org/


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