So I was making a bunch of fixes and cleanups on a project. Now, applying some 
edits and not others isn't hard -- git gui does that nicely. But then there is 

So, I had a "great" idea. From hotfix/Refactor_water_flow, I did this:

keybounceMBP:Finite-Fluids michael$ git checkout develop
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by 
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can switch branches.
keybounceMBP:Finite-Fluids michael$ git checkout -m develop
M       src/main/java/com/mcfht/realisticfluids/
M       src/main/java/com/mcfht/realisticfluids/
M       src/main/java/com/mcfht/realisticfluids/fluids/
Switched to branch 'develop'
keybounceMBP:Finite-Fluids michael$ git checkout -b messToCheckIn
M       src/main/java/com/mcfht/realisticfluids/
M       src/main/java/com/mcfht/realisticfluids/
M       src/main/java/com/mcfht/realisticfluids/fluids/
Switched to a new branch 'messToCheckIn'
keybounceMBP:Finite-Fluids michael$ git add .
keybounceMBP:Finite-Fluids michael$ git commit -m "This stuff needs to be 
checked into various branches"
[messToCheckIn 6a8bf14] This stuff needs to be checked into various branches
 3 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
keybounceMBP:Finite-Fluids michael$ git checkout hotfix/Refactor_water_flow
Switched to branch 'hotfix/Refactor_water_flow'
keybounceMBP:Finite-Fluids michael$ 

At this point, Refactor_water_flow is clean, and can be tested. When it is ok, 
I can -- *in theory* - take the changes on "messToCheckIn", put those changes 
on another branch (it contains cleanup to the config file handling, removing of 
debug spam, and starting work on the next item on the todo list), and then 
check some changes in, and put what's not yet done back on the messToCheckIn.

In other words, what I envision as a workflow here -- but I don't know how to 
do, and want help -- is:

1. Test the water_flow branch.
2. Merge it in.
3. Create a branch for config file cleanup.
4. ** Take all the changes checked in on the "messToCheckIn" branch from its 
creation, and apply it to the files in the config file cleanup working 
directory (nb: NOT to the checkin/cache).
5. Eclipse to add in additional code; Git Gui to approve some changes onto the 
config_file_cleanup branch.
6. Put everything not approved onto "messToCheckIn" (and note that it will now 
have fewer leftover patches).
7. Go back to config_file_cleanup, and test that. Merge.
8. Make a third branch for the next feature (rainfall rework)
9. Get the patches still on "messToCheckIn", that were not used/merged elsewhere
10. Eclipse/Git Gui
11. Save the edits not for this test, go back and test.

I hope you can understand what I think I want to do.
Now, the question is: What's the best way to do this in git? (make a bunch of 
edits as you go, organize it into a set of clean commits, and not lose any of 
the patches/edits as you go).

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