I've modified the auto generated gh-pages templates with a few edits 
converts it to simply read the README.md.  This results in 5 files that are 
only for the gh-pages hosting, not part of my repo.  And never change after 
the first edit & commit.

Is there a way for me to merge my local master, with its README.md, *into* 
the remote gh-pages branch?  Without deleting the 5 "hosting" files?  Or 
something at least very, very simple?


This post http://oli.jp/2011/github-pages-workflow/ discussed various 
mirroring and other stunts that help with gh-pages.  One really nice idea 
was to simply push master directly *into* github's gh-pages using:
     git push -f origin master:gh-pages
i.e. gh-pages = master + 5 files.  Didn't seem to work, ended up with a 404 
page (which I could repair via a push of my local gh-pages branch.)

So I want to merge master, and its README.md into the remote gh-pages 
branch with its 5 additional, non-changing files, easily.

Locally, in my working dir, I thought a simple merge master into gh-pages 
might work but it doesn't .. it removes the hosting 5 files. And anyway, 
I'd prefer the stunt above that builds the gh-pages once and then makes no 
further (local) changes to it.

I could use the "mirror" approach, but I really don't want to include these 
5 files in master, and clutter up master.

Help?!  Sorry my git-fu is minimal.

   -- Owen

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