Hi. I have some svn projects I want to join in a git big project.

I've been trying with guidelines from the git faq and from
but I'm not able to do it.

So I have a new git project I make it like this:

  $ mkdir project
  $ cd project
  $ git init

Then I want to import the svn project. If I do this I get the files:

  $ mkdir subproject1
  $ cd subproject1
  $ git-svn init http://my.svn.server/repos/vnproject --no-metadata
  $ git config svn.authorsfile ~/users.txt
  $ git-svn fetch

Now I have all the files inside subproject1 but the main git project
does not know anything about them. It looks like I should add all of
them but I will lose all the svn history.

Is it possible to do what I want ?

thank you very much.

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