Great to see an announcement of this.  Ever since I heard about it on
Git Minutes I've been hoping to get into a proper merge pickle just in
order to try this tool out.  No luck so far though :(


On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 08:02:12AM +0200, Michael Haggerty wrote:
> Although git-imerge isn't the newest of news, I've never announced it
> on this mailing list, and I think it might be interesting to many users.
> git-imerge [1] is an open-source tool that helps you perform difficult
> Git merges and rebases by allowing conflicts to be resolved
> incrementally.  The tool breaks the full merge down into pairwise merges
> of one commit from each branch.  When a pairwise merge conflicts, the
> tool asks you to resolve the conflict, which is hopefully small enough
> to be tractable.  Each completed pairwise merge is recorded as a step
> towards completing the full merge.  When all of the pairwise merges are
> done, the results can be converted into a merge or rebase as you choose.
> git-imerge has two primary goals:
> * Reduce the pain of resolving merge conflicts to its unavoidable
>   minimum, by finding and presenting the smallest possible conflicts,
>   namely those between the changes introduced by one commit from each
>   branch.
> * Allow a merge to be saved, tested, interrupted, published, and
>   collaborated on while it is in progress.
> The hope is to rescue that branch that has diverged so far from master
> that merging it seems intractable and the only alternative seems to be
> to abandon the branch and start again.  (I think we've all been there!)
> I think that it is easiest to understand the concept of incremental
> merging visually, and therefore I recommend the video of my git-imerge
> presentation [2] from the GitMerge 2013 conference (20 min) as a good
> introduction.  The full slides for that talk are available in the
> git-imerge repository under doc/presentations/GitMerge-2013.  At the
> same conference, I was interviewed about git-imerge by Thomas Ferris
> Nicolaisen for his GitMinutes Podcast #12 [3].
> To learn how to use the git-imerge tool itself, I suggest the blog
> article "git-imerge: A Practical Introduction" [4] and also the help
> built unto the command ("git-imerge --help" and "git-imerge SUBCOMMAND
> --help").  If you want more information, the theory and benefits of
> incremental merging are described in minute detail in a series of blog
> articles [5].
> git-imerge is still experimental, due to a lack of time to work on it.
> But it is already (cautiously) usable, and I am very excited about the
> idea and would love to get feedback and help from the community.
> Michael
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> -- 
> Michael Haggerty
> -- 
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     -- Alan Kay

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