On Tue, 8 Sep 2015 02:16:51 -0700 (PDT)
Sergiy Barlabanov <sergiy.barlaba...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> We have recently a problem my dcommiting renamed files containing $ 
> character in their names. GIT SVN crashed with the error:
> Assertion failed: (svn_uri_is_canonical(child_uri, NULL)), function 
> uri_skip_ancestor, file 
> /SourceCache/subversion/subversion-62/subversion/subversion/libsvn_subr/dirent_uri.c,
> line 1519.
> error: git-svn died of signal 6
> After having googled a little bit I found out that the error was in 
> Editor.pm script in the way how it handles special characters. There
> was a patch fixing the problem (see 
> http://git.661346.n2.nabble.com/PATCH-git-svn-do-not-escape-certain-characters-in-paths-td7575413.html).
> But the patch does not seem to be consistent. It does not work if a
> file name contains $. Having looked at the source file 
> (https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/perl/Git/SVN/Editor.pm) and
> played with the local copy of Editor.pm I found out that $ sign must
> be escaped in the perl regex expression used in Editor.pm:148.
> Otherwise $ is not caught by the expression and get replaced with %24
> which is not accepted by the SVN client.
> Is this a bug or am I wrong completely (this could happen since I
> never did anything with Perl before ;))?

Please post this to the main Git list (for developers); be sure to
read [1] before posting.  Also be sure to include your Git version and
platform (looking at the Subversion's error message I can guess it's
some OS X).

1. https://gist.github.com/tfnico/4441562

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