On Mon, Mar 07, 2011 at 01:22:30AM -0800, tombert wrote:

> currently evaluating the use of git: one point that doesn' t fit me is
> that when I delete a folder in my repository, the commit automatically
> commits the deleted files.
> This I dont want!
> It should behave in the same way as adding files - only those files
> marked with "git add" are commited - consequently only files marked
> with "git remove" should be deleted.
> The project structure is as as follows:
> project
>  - generic modules1
>  - generic modules2
>  - sub-projects
>  -- sub-project1
>  -- sub-project2
> Sub-project1 is not interested in having data from sub-project2, thus
> it deletes it from the disc and keeps on working. A next commit would
> commit sub-project2 as deleted.

I fail to interpret your description.
What is "project structure" after all?  A directory structure in one
Git repository?  Multiple Git repositories (using submodules may be)?
Something else?
Could you please go down to the actual Git commands you issue, their
outcome you're seeing and their outcome you would like to see?

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