On 27/1/10 09:44, "Chris Johnsen" <chris_john...@pobox.com> wrote:

> On Jan 25, 8:54 pm, Luisgo <lgo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> How do you define a commit?
> I liked the short blog entry at <http://who-t.blogspot.com/2009/12/on-
> commit-messages.html>. It says that a commit should be ³one logical
> change² 


> Anyway, the main point of the blog entry is that you should always
> spend time on commit log messages. The blog entry describes some
> commit message qualities that have proven useful in existing projects.
> Even with a DAG of nice, clean, cohesive commits, if they have useless
> commit log messages, it will be very difficult to reconstruct the
> context in which the commit was developed. A commit log message should
> include answers to "Why is this needed?", "How does it address the
> problem?", "What else does it impact?", but *not* "What changes does
> this commit make?" (that answer is embodied by the Œdiff part¹ of the
> commit (leaving aside the fact that the core of Git does not really
> deal in diffs or patches, but whole tree content)). The commit message
> is there to record the context (even if the record is just to help the
> original author remember the details of why a particular change was
> made after not having looked at that part of the code for several
> months).

Thank you - your posting and the referenced blog were very helpful.

Roddie Grant

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