> On Jul 18, 8:19 pm, Roddie Grant <rod...@myword.co.uk> wrote:
>> I discovered this afternoon a long-forgotten stash. I pop-ed it and now I
>> have lots of merge conflicts.
>> I'm finding it difficult to grasp the order of events. If I have:
>> <<<<<<< Updated upstream
>> Code block A
>> =======
>> Code block B
>>>>>>>>> Stashed changes
>> Does that means that Code block A are the changes made after the stash, and
>> Code block B are the changes which were uncommitted at the time the stash
>> was made?

On 18/7/10 23:44, "Konstantin Khomoutov" <khomou...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   * "Updated upstream" means "these changes are in the working tree,
> compared to the state of the HEAD at the time you stashed your
> changes".
>   * "Stashed changes" means "the changes made in the working tree just
> before stashing, compared to the state of the HEAD at the time you
> stashed your changes".
> So, presumably you should stop thinking in terms of ordering of events
> and imagine applying patch files instead.

Thanks - a very helpful explanation.


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