On Fri, 11 Feb 2011 08:49:47 -0800 (PST)
Andrej Khitrov <a.n.khit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > May be you meant
> >
> > $ git show HEAD:your_file >/tmp/your-file-as-in-HEAD
> > $ git show HEAD^:your_file >/tmp/your-file-as-in-HEADs-parent
> >
> > ?
> No. But OK, I have realized that my problem concerns rather diff tools
> than git itself. If I create those two files in /tmp/ with your
> commands, then I'd like to merge them together so that I have all of
> thier mutual content along with added/deleted lines marked with +/-,
> so that I could choose what lines should really be deleted and what
> lines should not.
> I see, I should explain why I need it. I have a folder with Cherokee
> web server configuration files. It is put under Git version control.
> While upgrading cherokee it proposed that it would update the main
> configuration file with a newer version. I have some changes in this
> file that I don't want to lose. At the same time I want some default
> settings in it to be up-to-date. Cherokee wizard didn't allow to merge
> files, just replace or remain intact. So I replaced the file, commited
> it and now want to pick up all the useful from both revisions (HEAD
> and HEAD^).

OK, seems like you want to use interdiff [1]:

$ git show HEAD cherokee.conf >/tmp/now.diff
$ git show HEAD^ cherokee.conf >/tmp/then.diff
$ interdiff /tmp/then.diff /tmp/now.diff

interdiff is a part of the patchutils package.

1. http://cyberelk.net/tim/patchutils/man/rn01re01.html

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