On Tue, 6 Nov 2012 08:02:46 -0800 (PST)
krish-github <biswas.krish...@gmail.com> wrote:

> New to Git. Jus got it installed. Trying to install a repository via
> URL in a specific folder (windows). It throws the following error:
> "fatal: could not create work tree dir....no such file or directory".
> The local directory exists and it is being used as %appdata%\folder-1
> \folder-2. Any idea?

This is a question for the msysgit mailing list (Cc'ed).

We need much more details.

Copy and paste (from the console window) precisely what commands you
run and what do they output.
in the shell before starting `git clone` is advised as well.

Include the Git and OS version.


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