On Wed, 19 Mar 2014 14:01:38 -0700 (PDT)
Bruce Hart <bhart...@gmail.com> wrote:

> i'm new to git so i don't know if i have the lingo down yet but here
> goes.
> is there a way to run a report to see any changes that have been made
> with the clone repos but not pushed yet to the central repo?
> basically something that would let the project leader nag those who
> were lagging with their pushes to central? and also the project
> leader could detect cases where multiple developers are working on
> the same file(s) so there might be a possible merge conflict in the
> future?

Not with plain Git (or "not with just Git itself" if you prefer it this
way): Git repositories are not aware of who and when cloned them, and
for which purpose -- this functionality is completely orthogonal to Git.

So there exist other solutions based on Git which add social element to
it -- github is supposedly the most visible solution.  So if you want
something like this it has to be implemented separately.

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