1) The links to Matthew's lists on the bottom of
http://git-scm.com/downloads/guis are dead (I get 404s).

2) Wondering whether TortoiseGit is mentioned anywhere, I typed
tortoisegit into the top right search box, hit enter and got to
http://git-scm.com/search/results?search=tor (note the ending - I did
type the whole word but it got cut off!). I'm not *that* fast at
typing, but apparently I'm still way too fast for the search box, as
it does work when I wait a second or two before I hit enter.

3) Trying to contact you I first looked at the bottom of the page, the
link to https://github.com/github/gitscm-next was the only that made
some sense, and there I don't see contact information, even though
that README does say " contact me first" at some point (and who is
that "me"?).

4) When I found this email address and sent a mail with items 1)-3), I
got a rejection reply saying " The message contains HTML subpart".
Very annoying. I'm trying to help here by pointing out problems, and
you're making it really inconvenient.
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