
    what you have in 461aef08823a18a6c69d472499ef5257f8c7f6c8 is fine
by me for the essential support for merge-trees (sorry for the
confusing name, but this is a stop-gap Q&D script until I do the real
merge-tree.c conversion).

This patch contains the merge-trees script itself and Makefile entry
for it.  I have some more fixes to merge-trees in the works but that
will follow later.

I have an optional patch to add '-q' option to show-diff so that
complaints for missing files can be squelched, which I will be sending
you in a separate message.

Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Makefile    |    2 
 merge-trees |  302 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 303 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Makefile:  b39b4ea37586693dd707d1d0750a9b580350ec50
--- Makefile
+++ Makefile    2005-04-15 13:32:06.000000000 -0700
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 PROG=   update-cache show-diff init-db write-tree read-tree commit-tree \
        cat-file fsck-cache checkout-cache diff-tree rev-tree show-files \
-       check-files ls-tree merge-tree
+       check-files ls-tree merge-tree merge-trees
 all: $(PROG)

--- /dev/null   2005-03-19 15:28:25.000000000 -0800
+++ merge-trees 2005-04-15 13:32:20.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Cwd;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $full_checkout = 0;
+my $partial_checkout = 0;
+my $output_directory = ',,merge~tree';
+GetOptions("full-checkout" => \$full_checkout,
+          "partial-checkout" => \$partial_checkout,
+          "output-directory=s" => \$output_directory)
+    or die;
+if (@ARGV != 3) {
+    die "Usage: $0 -o [output-directory] [-f] [-p] ancestor A B\n";
+if ($full_checkout) {
+    $partial_checkout = 1;
+# UI helper -- although it is encouraged to give tree ID, 
+# it is OK to give commit ID.
+sub possibly_commit_to_tree {
+    my ($commit_or_tree_id) = @_;
+    my $type = read_cat_file_t($commit_or_tree_id);
+    if ($type eq 'tree') { return $commit_or_tree_id }
+    if ($type ne 'commit') {
+       die "Tree ID (or commit ID) required, given $type.";
+    }
+    my ($fhi);
+    open $fhi, '-|', 'cat-file', 'commit', $commit_or_tree_id
+       or die "$!: cat-file commit $commit_or_tree_id";
+    my ($tree) = <$fhi>;
+    close $fhi;
+    ($tree =~ s/^tree (.*)$/$1/)
+       or die "$tree: Linus says the first line is guaranteed to be tree.";
+    return $tree;
+sub read_cat_file_t {
+    my ($id) = @_;
+    my ($fhi);
+    open $fhi, '-|', 'cat-file', '-t', $id
+       or die "$!: cat-file -t $id";
+    my ($t) = <$fhi>;
+    close $fhi;
+    chomp($t);
+    return $t;
+# Reads diff-tree -r output and gives a hash that maps a path
+# to 4-tuple (old-mode new-mode old-oid new-oid).
+# When creating, old-* are undef.  When removing, new-* are undef.
+sub OLD_MODE () { 0 }
+sub NEW_MODE () { 1 }
+sub OLD_OID ()  { 2 }
+sub NEW_OID ()  { 3 }
+sub read_diff_tree {
+    my (@tree) = @_;
+    my ($fhi);
+    # Regular expression piece for mode
+    my $reM  = '[0-7]+';
+    # Regular expression piece for object ID.
+    # There is a talk about base-64 so better make it easier to modify...
+    my $reID = '[0-9a-f]{40}';
+    local ($_, $/);
+    $/ = "\0"; 
+    my %path;
+    open $fhi, '-|', 'diff-tree', '-r', @tree
+       or die "$!: diff-tree -r @tree";
+    while (<$fhi>) {
+       chomp;
+       if (/^\*($reM)->($reM)\tblob\t($reID)->($reID)\t(.*)$/so) {
+           $path{$5} = [$1, $2, $3, $4]; # modified
+       }
+       elsif (/^\+($reM)\tblob\t($reID)\t(.*)$/so) {
+           $path{$3} = [undef, $1, undef, $2]; # added
+       }
+       elsif (/^\-($reM)\tblob\t($reID)\t(.*)$/so) {
+           $path{$3} = [$1, undef, $2, undef]; # deleted
+       }
+       else {
+           die "cannot parse diff-tree output: $_";
+       }
+    }
+    close $fhi;
+    return %path;
+# Read show-files output to figure out the set of files contained
+# in the tree.  This is used to figure out what ancestor had.
+sub read_show_files {
+    my ($fhi);
+    local ($_, $/);
+    $/ = "\0"; 
+    open $fhi, '-|', 'show-files', '-z', '--cached'
+       or die "$!: show-files -z --cached";
+    my (@path) = map { chomp; $_ } <$fhi>;
+    close $fhi;
+    return @path;
+# Given path and info (typically returned from read_diff_tree),
+# create the file in the working directory to match the NEW tree.
+# This does not touch dircache.
+sub checkout_file {
+    my ($path, $info) = @_;
+    my (@elt) = split(/\//, $path);
+    my $j = '';
+    my $tail = pop @elt;
+    my ($fhi, $fho);
+    for (@elt) {
+       mkdir "$j$_";
+       $j = "$j$_/";
+    }
+    open $fho, '>', "$path";
+    open $fhi, '-|', 'cat-file', 'blob', $info->[NEW_OID]
+       or die "$!: cat-file blob $info->[NEW_OID]";
+    while (<$fhi>) {
+       print $fho $_;
+    }
+    close $fhi;
+    close $fho;
+    chmod oct("0$info->[NEW_MODE]"), "$path";
+# Given path and info record the file in the dircache without
+# affecting working directory.
+sub record_file {
+    my ($path, $info) = @_;
+    system ('update-cache', '--add', '--cacheinfo',
+           $info->[NEW_MODE], $info->[NEW_OID], $path);
+# Merge info from two trees and leave it in path, without
+# affecting dircache.
+sub merge_tree {
+    my ($path, $infoA, $infoB) = @_;
+    checkout_file("$path~A~", $infoA);
+    checkout_file("$path~B~", $infoB);
+    system 'checkout-cache', $path;
+    rename $path, "$path~O~";
+    my ($fhi, $fho);
+    open $fhi, '-|', 'merge', '-p', "$path~A~", "$path~O~", "$path~B~";
+    open $fho, '>', $path;
+    local ($/);
+    while (<$fhi>) { print $fho $_; }
+    close $fhi;
+    close $fho;
+    # There is no reason to prefer infoA over infoB but
+    # we need to pick one.
+    chmod oct("0$infoA->[NEW_MODE]"), $path;
+# O stands for "the original".  A and B are being merged.
+my ($treeO, $treeA, $treeB) = map { possibly_commit_to_tree $_ } @ARGV;
+# Create a temporary directory and go there.
+system('rm', '-rf', $output_directory) == 0 &&
+system('mkdir', '-p', "$output_directory/.git") == 0 &&
+symlink(Cwd::getcwd . "/.git/objects", "$output_directory/.git/objects") &&
+chdir $output_directory &&
+system('read-tree', $treeO) == 0
+    or die "$!: Failed to set up merge working area $output_directory";
+# Find out edits done in each branch.
+my %treeA = read_diff_tree($treeO, $treeA);
+my %treeB = read_diff_tree($treeO, $treeB);
+# The list of files that was in the ancestor.
+my @ancestor_file = read_show_files();
+my %ancestor_file = map { $_ => 1 } @ancestor_file;
+# Report output is formated as follows:
+# The first letter shows the origin of the result.
+#   O - original
+#   A - treeA
+#   B - treeB
+#   M - both treeA and treeB
+#   * - treeA and treeB conflicts; needs human action.
+# The second and third letter shows what each tree did.
+#   . - no change
+#   A - created
+#   M - modified
+#   D - deleted
+for (@ancestor_file) {
+    if (! exists $treeA{$_} && ! exists $treeB{$_}) {
+       if ($full_checkout) {
+           system 'checkout-cache', $_;
+       }
+       print STDERR "O.. $_\n"; # keep original
+    }
+for my $set ([\%treeA, \%treeB, 'A'], [\%treeB, \%treeA, 'B']) {
+    my ($this, $other, $side) = @$set;
+    my $delete_sign = ($side eq 'A') ? 'D.' : '.D';
+    my $create_sign = ($side eq 'A') ? 'A.' : '.A';
+    my $modify_sign = ($side eq 'A') ? 'M.' : '.M';
+    while (my ($path, $info) = each %$this) {
+       # In this loop we do not deal with overlaps.
+       next if (exists $other->{$path});
+       if (! defined $info->[NEW_OID]) {
+           # deleted in this tree only.
+           unlink $path;
+           system 'update-cache', '--remove', $path;
+           print STDERR "${side}${delete_sign} $path\n";
+       }
+       else {
+           # modified or created in this tree only.
+           my $create_or_modify =
+               (! defined $info->[OLD_OID]) ? $create_sign : $modify_sign;
+           print STDERR "${side}${create_or_modify} $path\n";
+           if ($partial_checkout) {
+               checkout_file($path, $info);
+               system 'update-cache', '--add', $path;
+           } else {
+               record_file($path, $info);
+           }
+       }
+    }
+my @warning = ();
+while (my ($path, $infoA) = each %treeA) {
+    # We need to deal only with overlaps.
+    next if (!exists $treeB{$path});
+    my $infoB = $treeB{$path};
+    if (! defined $infoA->[NEW_OID]) {
+       # Deleted in tree A.
+       if (! defined $infoB->[NEW_OID]) {
+           # Deleted in both trees (obvious).
+           print STDERR "MDD $path\n";
+           unlink $path;
+           system 'update-cache', '--remove', $path;
+       }
+       else {
+           # TreeA wants to remove but TreeB wants to modify it.
+           print STDERR "*DM $path\n";
+           checkout_file("$path~B~", $infoB);
+           push @warning, $path;
+       }
+    }
+    else {
+       # Modified or created in tree A
+       if (! defined $infoB->[NEW_OID]) {
+           # TreeA wants to modify but treeB wants to remove it.
+           print STDERR "*MD $path\n";
+           checkout_file("$path~A~", $infoA);
+           push @warning, $path;
+       }
+       else {
+           # Modified both in treeA and treeB.
+           # Are they modifying to the same contents?
+           if ($infoA->[NEW_OID] eq $infoB->[NEW_OID]) {
+               # No changes or just the mode.
+               # we prefer TreeA over TreeB for no particular reason.
+               print STDERR "MMM $path\n";
+               record_file($path, $infoA);
+           }
+           else {
+               # Modified in both.  Needs merge.
+               print STDERR "*MM $path\n";
+               merge_tree($path, $infoA, $infoB);
+           }
+       }
+    }
+if (@warning) {
+    print "\nThere are some files that were deleted in one branch and\n"
+       . "modified in another.  Please examine them carefully:\n";
+    for (@warning) {
+       print "$_\n";
+    }
+# system 'show-diff', '-q';

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