On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 04:10:31PM +0700, Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy wrote:

> +     else {
> +             int sb_len = sb->len, offset;
> +             switch (c->flush_type) {
> +             case flush_left:
> +                     offset = padding - len;
> +                     break;
> +             case flush_right:
> +                     offset = 0;
> +                     break;
> +             case flush_both:
> +                     offset = (padding - len) / 2;
> +                     break;
> +             case no_flush: /* to make gcc happy */
> +                     break;
> +             }
> +             /*
> +              * we calculate padding in columns, now
> +              * convert it back to chars
> +              */
> +             padding = padding - len + local_sb.len;
> +             strbuf_grow(sb, padding);
> +             strbuf_setlen(sb, sb_len + padding);
> +             memset(sb->buf + sb_len, ' ', sb->len - sb_len);
> +             memcpy(sb->buf + sb_len + offset, local_sb.buf,
> +                    local_sb.len);
> +     }

gcc complains (rightly, I think) that offset can be used uninitialized
in the final line (looks like it is from the no_flush case). If it is a
"can never happen" case that is there to appease gcc in the switch
statement, should we drop a die("BUG: XXX") there? If so, what would the
XXX be?

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