On Tue, Apr 08, 2014 at 11:22:44AM -0700, K. Kwan wrote:

> My tree would look like this:
> - x - x - x (master) 
>        \ x - x (A) x - x (B)
> But after merge of branch (A), I would like it to look like this:
> - x - x - x ---- x (master)
>        \        / \
>         x - x (A)  x - x (B)
> Perhaps this?
> $ git checkout master
> $ git pull origin master
> $ git merge A
> $ git rebase --onto master A B

Yes, that should work. I think you could even just do:

  git rebase master B

since after the merge, all of A is contained in master (and so will be
omitted from the rebased commits).

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